Responses from aubbrin570
Power cables and power conditioners I am involved in this exact thing and actually still in the middle of my testing. There are a few threads here that dance around the topic. Consensus that I have read seems like you should put your best cable from wall to P12, next best cable to ... | |
Need a new integrated, what say you? I would try a creek 4330 se. I have a friend with similar speakers and room as you. He has had a ton of gear over time. Can’t figure out what he wants but has had most of the above recommended gear and it all sounded great. We all are insane but m... | |
Klipsch La Scala replacement? Just thinking out loud here but if you are accustomed to the Klipsch sound, I believe that Klipsch heritage has a general character of high efficiency, high dynamics, which leads to a "live" sound signature. Probably bc the mid range is so good on... | |
Klipsch Speakers As a previous Naim owner I can tell you that Naim gear is very “gain rich” with their stuff. I owned the sn2 and an xs2 both with and without flat cap. I found it pairs well with laid back speakers ie older Vandersteen and harbeth etc tried with z... | |
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio? As a car guy myself I get where you are coming from however I believe the difference is that in the car world, you are dealing with "man vs nature" in that we are trying to go faster or stop faster etc which is simply fighting gravity in the end. ... | |
Audio Research Ref75 se I have Vandersteen model 2 signature series iii. Very revealing and can show you the difference better amps/sources give you. Not sure how your series speaker responds to gear, but also not sure why posters are saying too much amp for speakers- t... | |
Great song to test bass Pink Floyd "Sorrow" live version Ghost Rider "Make us stronger" | |
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system? I suppose since no system is perfect, I think you would need a uniquely tuned system for every different genre. I finally put together a system that I can say sounds fantastic with any genre....except heavy metal. I'm talking new heavy metal and ... | |
Vandersteen 1C to 3A Signature I have Vandersteen model 3's (not 3a sigs)and ran them with a naim supernait 2, and after a long time of messing with placement I got them to sound fantastic. Naim does have a "gainy" lively sound which I believe woke up the Model 3's to a point.... | |
any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with I use a Mytek brooklyn bridge(version 1) and love it. It is a roon endpoint and sound is great. I believe they just released the second edition which is still under your budget($3500) or you could find a version 1 used possibly for less. Nice th... | |
DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated? Can't comment on what will work for you, rather what I have found. I have a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge.(Streamer, dac, and volume) I can select analog or digital for the volume control. Analog seems to sound better. I believe that anything you run ... | |
Need speaker advice Zu audio dirty weekend mk 2. Again like Tekton, it is a US brand but I think they would fit the bill. I believe Zu and Tekton are similar in sound. They are made in the same state, I read the owner's are friends, and I believe they have a simil... | |
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way? -Zu dirty weekends mk ii are really good in my setup except one aspect. Made them better with clarity cap upgrade (smoother upper end) and with snubbers taking them from a 12 ohm load to about 8 ohms BUT they just lack low bass. They play low bas... | |
Music streamer device vs laptop/phone? I recently bought a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge which is a streamer and a dac and have been using with Roon. Sounds amazing, however, my friend recently plugged in his iphone via camera adaptor/usb into the bridge and playing amazon hd, was able to get... |