

Responses from auralepicure

Tracing vintage equipment serial number #39nnn
Seems easy but 1) do they keep track of audio exchanges, and 2) what is a GOOD contact info?   
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A
I have one pair of AR 3 and one of AR 3a, and have listened to neither yet because they were rescued from a recycling place and I want to rebuild-them-some-day.  The AR 3 (early ones) have two salient features: AlNiCo magnets much heftier than lat... 
Do you prefer tidy room to messy one with better sound?
Spinaker01, I take exception to your remark using the H word. If you NEED to use the word NEED, you NEED not be on this forum! True, I don’t even NEED one turntable since there is streaming, yadayadayada... But I do NEED to challenge the ordinary ...