
Responses from barbman

Amp or speaker first, upgrade
Just want to let the audiogoners that responded to my questions, I respect every reply, suggestions, ideas and so forth. I put all these ideas in a large audio pot and see what comes out that most agree on. Well I'm gonna keep my trusty Krell amp ... 
Amp or speaker first, upgrade
Want to thank the audiogoners who posted comments after I responded to the previous bunch, you folks are awesome!As for bombaywalla comment on the time-coherent design of the Vandersteen, that's a good point as I never ponder on that before I made... 
Amp or speaker first, upgrade
Wow fellow audiogoners, I'm overwhelmed by all the responses!This indeed is interesting and refreshing just what I hope to hear!Yes, I'm seriously considering the Vandy 3a sigs but also looking at the Revel f208. Glad to hear most of you suggest I... 
What speaker cables to buy for my Krell s300i amp?
Thanks a lot to all the audiophile friends who responded to my question I will most definitely look into all the cables mention particularly the one mentioned by Levy03. All the cables mentioned have very good reputations I guess in the end it wil...