
Responses from bean151

budget Cables / Interconnects recommendations?
Shadorne asked: "Could all this be making you energized more by fear/desire/conformity than practical benefit?"I am energized to hear some improvements in my system via a relatively simple mod. fear- of what? desire? yes- for better sound- conform... 
budget Cables / Interconnects recommendations?
ha! I fully expected that to happen. I just did it to start fights! But seriously, thanks for the help. One comment that struck me was to pay attention to the cable between my phono-pre for a low ouput MC and the pre-amp itself. Are there cables t... 
tube preamp please, replacing counterpoint sa7
the rest of my system consists of antique sound labs mono blocks- the real small ones, ecl-82 driven at 7.5 watts each driving a pair of NHT super two's. i was using the NAD 705 as a preamp before the counterpoint and bass was no issue even with c... 
which cartridge to buy? so many...
thanks for the reponces so far, i do in fact have a bit of a hum problem with my grado, i always have. i just assumed it might just be the normal noise on the record. all my friends have pretty cheesy setups, so i dont have much to compare it too-