
Responses from bebopman1706

Shoot Out Between Esoteric X-03SE n WADIA 381
No,I have not received any.My selection now is between the Wadia 381 n the Perfect Wave combo by PS Audio.U heard of the Perfect Wave combo?TQ n have a nce day 
I have made some arrangement to listen to both of them again this weekend.By the way, do u also own the Power Plant Premier?How does it sound?Thanks again 
Thanks for your input,Levy03.I personally have heard both of the players.But they were set up differently coz the cables n wires used were different.I thought it was not a very good comparison.After auditioned them for a few occasions,Wadia 381 so... 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
How r u today BR?I tend to lean towards SS.I listen mainly to jazz n latin music.But sometimes I also listen to rock n pop music like rap,trance,disco n so on.I would not mind tubes if they can give me a good punchy bass coz I like to crank up the... 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
Thanks for coming back to me BR.I looked up the BAT website but unfortunately Bat is not sold in my country or in the region where I live.I wondered if anyone out there has actually heard of the Plinius SA Reference driving the VR4 with their late... 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
Thanks for the info.Is one SA reference sufficient or I need 2 of those?Which monoblocks would work well other than SA Reference? 
Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio
Thanks for the infomation.Have u any idea what amp n pream your friend was using to drive his VS.Do VS speakers required a lot of power to control the bass.