
Responses from bernstem

Up & Over Sampling... Continued
It is no surprise that different CD players made by different manufacturers are going to sound different. What made the DCS machine in this case sound better to this particular listener may have nothing to do with upsampling versus oversampling. T... 
Amps for Dynaudio Confidence 5s?
I own a pair of Confidence 3s and have heard the Confidence 5s being driven by Krell FPB 250s and they sounded great (I love that midrange dome). They do, however, need a lot of power. They guy who owned them felt they needed more power than the 2... 
Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound
I would second the Dynaudio speakers. In addition to the contour line, you should look at their Confidence3. It is in their reference line and well worth listening to if price isn't a concern.