Responses from blockdaddy21
Sonus Faber Upgrade worth it I just finished a journey to select a new set of speakers, and my tastes landed squarely with Sonus Faber. I will try to convey my experience in what my ears, heart, and wallet experienced in that journey. This may be a bit long-winded, but hopefu... | |
Sonus Faber Amati Tradition or Serafino G2 With 320W/4ohms of class AB power you’d certainly have enough for the Serafinos with room to spare. Most of what I’ve seen on the Amatis is that you’d not have much if any headroom at that level. Many folks I spoke with on my journey suggested nor... | |
Sonus Faber Amati Tradition or Serafino G2 @rock112 To be clear, my audition was of the latest Amati G5s (Homage series), so I’m not sure you’d be satisfied going up to that level. That’s why the Serafino Homage (G2) was the fitting compromise. Driving my Serafinos is a Goldmund SR150 put... | |
Sonus Faber Amati Tradition or Serafino G2 I recently faced a similar decision in an even larger room with 20ft ceilings and slightly wider dimensions, while considering the Amati Homage versus the Serafino G2. I had the chance to listen to the Amatis powered by the McIntosh MC1.25KWs. Whi... |