Responses from charlie123
New Rogue RP-7 Preamp @jaybe I am trying to decide whether to go for a used AR LS17 SE or a Rogue RP7. What is your final take between the two preamps? Which "sound" did you end up preferring? thanks! | |
Rogue audio RP-7 versus PS Audio BHK preamplifier I thought recently about getting a RP5 but instead picked up a Métis Perseus, which was an unbelievable upgrade compared to my Alchemy DDP2. I still run the Alchemy as a dac only. I deliberately went after the older Rogue preamp after finding a c... | |
Magnum Dynalab MD102T or MD801 tuner? thanks guys!, reaffirms my belief that the the upgrade to the 102T probably has great sound potential. | |
Adcom upgrade ,or stay put ? I upgraded a while back from a gfa -535mk2 to a Bryston 3B.The step up was tremendous. The sound field seemed to extend about 5 ft closer to me and the amp was so much "quicker" than the Adcom. I've since moved on to mono tube amps but I remember ... | |
Audioquest King Cobra or Similar Cables I recently purchased a pair if King Cobra interconnects for my CD player and am exceedingly happy. Upgrading from AQ Ruby cables, the K.C. have a pronounced sound stage size, are incredibly smooth and just sound more natural, sometimes just like l... | |
Go DirecTV I had the Dish Network for 3 years and Direct TV for about 4 years. They both blow away cable in terms of quality of signal and value. You get so much more for your money with satellite. And my signal rarely goes down due to weather. If I loose a ... | |
Audioquest/Audiotruth Emerald or Opal? Thanks guys, I appreciate the tips. Charlie | |
Best SS preamp for FetValve amp? Hi;I have a Audio Research SP16 tube preamp and love it. It cost $2000 without phono and $2500 with phono (which I have). The SP16 has 2 sets of outputs, a HT processor, full function remote and a immence sound stage. I have a Classe model 4 pream... | |
XM Radio - Anyone Getting It Through DirectTV? I listen occcasionaly to the Direct TV XM stations in both my living room and bedroom. I've got a sperate satillite receiver and stereo system in both places. It makes a big difference if you can run the digital signal through a good outboard DAC.... | |
Rogue 88 Magnum upgrade Hi,I just had my 88 amp upgraded a couple of weeks ago and am very glad that I did it. The amp now has total control over my Vandersteen 2CE speakers. There is now a very low and solid bass presence that wasn't there before. Music is now more deta... |