
Responses from charlie8521

Why not just run a pig tale rather than rewiring
Well, I paid like a $100 for it - in mint condition. Stock, it sounds fantastic. Transparent to a fault - which is what I like. But I'm advised that it can even be improved upon. And given how it was designed, I tend to believe that. So the modifi... 
Fisher Tube Amp Center Channel question
It's only a two-channel amp, with the center channel being summed together. I'll hook it up both ways and see what happens. 
Fisher Tube Amp Center Channel question
There is both a Center Channel RCA output on the top side of the chassie, and the screw terminals for the center speaker connection. 
Fisher Tube Amp cutting out
In the of testing the circute with a voltmeter, I found that the unit with come back to life when making contact with the voltmeter probe. This caused me to think that the voltmeter was acting like a small cap.. And it worked best when making cont... 
Fisher Tube Amp cutting out
Update. I have also found that when the speakers cut out (or down to a whisper), so does the headphone jack. Sometimes when I tap on the volume control the sound comes back, but will drop out again. Same with a specific 12AX7 tube. But it is not c...