

Responses from cmsgtbo

Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
My must have is a MFSL version of John Klemmer - Touch  
If you HAD to purchase a used (over 4 years old) DAC, what would it be?
Here's another vote for the Levinson 360S...it's like butter.  
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
I finally retired my 27 year-old bridged Rotel RB-980BX amps and 15 year-old Rotel RC 1580 pre-amp with PS Audio BHK 300 amps and BHK Signature pre-amp (they really make the La Scalas sing).  The Rotels served me well for almost 3 decades so the B... 
What Are Your Reference Discs? or Specific Reference Tracks
Anything but the fucking Eagles, man.I've been using John Klemmer 'Touch', Robin Trower 'Bridge of Sighs', and Little Feat 'Waiting For Columbus' in both MFSL CD and 1/2 speed LPs for demo purposes since the 80's.More recently I've used Dire Strai...