
Discussions decooney has started

PSVANE Mfg Co replaced my older 6SN7 CV-181 TII tubes 69924
All-in-One units for retiring audiophile & music lovers in 2025, say what?10040125
SG's 2018 video "Resolution and Sound Quality"...6802
Describe the "new HiFi sound"?16365151
Listening after your entire system was powered off cold for a week+348128
Did not give it enough time on the first go-around?17206
Poll: What's your KT150 bias set to per tube (ma?)650915
Magnepan 1.7 speakers (asking for a friend)290715
PSVANE 12Au7 12At7 12Ax7 "-T MKII" 2020 production run of small signal/driver tubes2309055
Mundorf (non-oil) Silver / Gold EVO MCap Supreme coupling caps in your tube amp ???1457418
Cary Audio: Tube preamp (SLP-98) paired with (SA-200.2) solid state amplifier? 1034718
Arcam irDAC break in time and sound changes?1057110
Running 3 Totem Centers, horizontally as L/C/R?56842