
Responses from delkat

The Horror
There have been a couple of references to Vandersteens being at T.H.E. Show this year but there were none on display. Maybe you are confusing them for another brand. I know Alma had the Boenicke in one room and YG Acoustics in the room next door.  
Feickert Volare + Shick 9 + Hana Umami Red
Check out the Zesto phono stages for that set up. I have a similar rig but Blackbird running an Andros Deluxe II. But George is just introducing a lower cost version that should fit your budget and be excellent. I think tubes are better at picking... 
Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse
I ended up going with the 6SE and am very happy with the choice.  I have not listened to the Aesthetix so I can't compare.  I did notice Aesthetix introduced a new amp/preamp product at Axpona but I think it's at a lower price point so it may be a... 
Settings for Oppo bdp105 used with external DAC (Tambaqui)
Problem solved.  I threw in a Chesky Records demo disc when trying this out not realizing it was an SACD so no SPDIF/Optical out on SACDs only HDMI for copyright protection. It works great with a normal Redbook.   Thanks for the inputs.  
Settings for Oppo bdp105 used with external DAC (Tambaqui)
Yes, my next step is adding a Auralic Aries G2.1 or Grimm Audio streamer. I tried all the different audio settings on the Oppo today and also swapped the fiber optic cable that is working with the Node to the Oppo using the same input into the Ta... 
Settings for Oppo bdp105 used with external DAC (Tambaqui)
I have a brand new Audioquest Carbon digital coax cable. I don’t currently have nor have I used another external DAC with the Oppo. I have a Node hooked up to the Tambaqui via Optical and it works fine. I’ve programmed the Tambaqui input 3 for the... 
Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse
Great feedback so far from everyone!  Really appreciate it.  
Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse
Gregm,Are you saying that both of you felt the Calypso trumped the 6SE in these areas? Any other comments based on your experience?  Thanks 
Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse
I would say 45%/45% rock/jazz and 10% classical.