
Responses from dennisb

Novice seeks help with hooking up components...
Al, I believe you answered my question. I'll confirm that tonight. But I thank all of you for your help. 
Best "one-on-one" recordings... one voice and...
I mean one voice and one instrument. 
Best female vocals on CD
Jane Olivor... wonderful voice with great range. 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
No competition. "The Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett (I think). 
Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...
These are all great responses. Thanks very much. Even though my priorities are just to play my existing LP's right now, I'm sure venturing into this area will whet my appetite for vinyl. I'm aware that the VK-50 doesn't permit a phono card; my unf... 
Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...
Sorry, I didn't enter the above response correctly. I meant that my cartridge is a prehistoric (15-year-old) Audioquest that I haven't used in years. 
Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...
prehistoric. The only number I can find on the cartridge is 401. I assume I will be changing that first. So, it looks like I need a cartridge and a phono stage. This is unchartered territory for me.