
Responses from dky

SS preamp to give wormth & bloom to Krell KSA amp
I have had a few SS pre amps and tube pre amps over the last 5 years such as Sima P5, Krell KRC-3, Pass Alpha P, Bryston SP1, Sonic Frontiers Line 2 & 3 and by far the best match and compliment to my Krell FPB amp(s) has been the Ayre K1. They... 
Standby Mode in Krell FPB power amps
Standbye appears to be a soft turn on. When I flip the breaker at the back of the amp I do get the surge current. If I use the front panel button or remote the amp does not have this same surge. In standbye the amp is partially powered up and draw... 
Krell FPB-300 vs FPB-300c ??
Having owned a FPB 200 for a few years and now a new 400cx I can definitely say that the new Krell is improved over the old sound. Compared to to the 200 the sound is more open with better bass extension and control. The new amp seems to be more d... 
Thoughts on Merlin VSM M vs. Verity Fidelio
I would agree with most of the above posts in regards to the Fidelio. There are very room friendly but they do need the rear wall to load the room properly for bass weight and extension. I had mine out about 4 ft and they worked great. The midrang... 
Thoughts on Pass X250 - X600 amps
Thanks for the input. I am currently running a FPB 200 and it is working really well. I just kind of have an upgrade bug to get a more current amplifier. I was either thinking of a newer Krell FPB 400cx or maybe the Pass Labs X600 used of couse. I... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Hi, I highly recommend the Parsifal. This speaker has excellent voicing, very amp friendly and can play macro dynamics surprisingly well for there size. It goes with out saying that their micro dynamic performance is top notch. My room is 18L*15W*... 
Confused about Krell FPB 300 400 200 Amplifiers
Can you please explain the difference between the 200c and the 400cx? 
Levinson Amp Experts, I need your help please
If you like Levinson and your are willing to take a gamble on the future of the company (service) I would go with the 334/335/335 series. I owned a 332 for 2 years and I ended up switching the amp out for something else. I think clinical is a very... 
Krell FPB differences
Does anyone have any thoughts about the difference between the 300CX, 400cx or the 350Mcx amps. Other than the power differences is there any sonic advantages to one or the other. I currently own a FPB 200 and I am in upgrade mode but my local dea...