

Responses from dwolek

PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
On Amazon, it states a 12 month warranty.  How does this work in practice?  Say a tube dies within a few months of light use.  What is the return/replacement process?  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Good marketing on the part of PSVane, however I doubt the quality of these has been improved.  I purchased a quad of the preferred series from Vivatubes and within 6 months (maybe 200 hrs play time) three of the 4 died.  Viva didn't honor their on... 
Integrated for Cornwall IV
Can't comment on the Lyndorf, but the Sugden is a match made in heaven.  
Single input tube preamp
There was a posting on Canuck Audio Mart a few months ago showing the insides of one of his amps - it looked like a bowl of spaghetti with less than amateurish solder work and poor parts quality - a number of tech's weighed in and said it was wors... 
Connecting Subwoofer’s to Willsenton R8
REL sub's will work with essentially any amplifier/integrated amp since they connect directly to the binding posts.  My question (and not to hijack this post) is there a way (ie easy internal mod) to pull the variable signal off say the output of ... 
Streamer with variable digital output
The Eversolo DMP-06 fits the bill  
Lumin vs Auralic
I've had the opposite experience with the DS app.  So much so I had to sell it and go with a bluesound Node2i.  Constantly something not working properly.  First it was that it was unable to refresh and it would crash, then that was fixed by the d... 
Spam threads gone wild...
Heres the thing, as someone with some experience in the backend admin of forums, it is exceptionally easy to do as many have suggested and it has been easily doable for years (decades in fact....).  The admin sets a "whitelist" which you get on af... 
Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225
All good suggestions.  Thank you so much.  My source is Tidal HiFi and HDTracks HiRez downloads streamed through a SB Touch using.  I agree perhaps to look at some reasonable fuses and try some different wire but I'm not going to drop a boatload o... 
Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225
I have a dedicated 20A line with a PS Audio receptacle.  Yes I might consider upgrading the fuse.  Might be a cheap experiment.   
Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225
I'm using cardas crosslink speaker and MAC power cables.  I do have a very competent tech who could upgrade the amp with parts consistent with what SMC does for much less money.  That is an option.  So is the consensus either a coda or X250 for sm... 
Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225
I should have mentioned that yes I have the room treated - corner traps, approx 10' linear of 4" absorbers on each wall at first reflections and panels behind the speakers.  Thick wool area rug on floor and going to treat ceiling this fall.  I've ...