
Responses from dynakid055d

Perreaux amplifier 3150B - your opinion sought
Motorpsychos,"WBT Banana Plugs" that is a fantastic tip thank you for that, I will surely keep that in mind. I know a fellow audiophile uses the VDH speaker cables on his Krell 300i and they sure lock in place.Thank you guys for the input, always ... 
Paradigm Reference Studio 40 v.2
Thank you for your insight into the Paradigms. I will keep it in mind when the time for final audition and selection comes. 
Perreaux amplifier 3150B - your opinion sought
Sean,That was very nice of you to go to such length to explain so many things in one go. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!I am a bit concerned about the safety aspect that you touched, I am not very happy to hear that, as you know accidents to happen, but not ...