
Responses from eudisam

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.
Why haven’t the top brands simply built and marketed a "King-Size" all-in-one audio configuration? Consider an over-size receiver, approximately 4’x5’, that has top quality point-to-point internal silver soldering/wiring, strategically placed EMI/... 
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric
Rbyington711 "A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't." I own Esoteric's P-05/D-05 set up as well as a P-0s.  I also have a Theta Jade.  The Theta is really good, but at its' best, maybe 85% of ... 
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric
Rbyington711 "A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't." I own Esoteric's P-05/D-05 set up as well as a P-0s.  I also have a Theta Jade.  The Theta is really good, but at its' best, maybe 85% of ... 
Favorite religious song
Forget whatever else you’ve read on this blog post written by whoever...   Mahalia Jackson & Duke Ellington - "Come Sunday". Without a doubt the best Christian recording ever made in the history of the planet! Hands down. End of story.   I... 
I wrote/mailed tax checks today...
Wah, wah, wah...poor baby...all of you privileged audiophiles - stop your whining and opining; quit your kevetching and wretching. Just fork-over your taxes and keep it moving. Someone has to pay for this best-in world-military, amber waves of gr... 
Let me explain something to you jive turkeys.
Right on, bro!  
The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard
Sly and the Family Stone -  "Dying young is hard to take, selling-out is harder." (From - Thank-you falettin' me be mice elf agin) 
Favorite Guitar Solo
Jimi Hendrix intro on "Power to Love" from the Band of Gypsies Album.  It's a kick butt, names taken and no receipts given,  fiery, passionate, and soul-full guitar solo.  Fuggeddaboutit; doesn't get any better folks! 
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
Sorry to burst your bubble Mikey, but, the Hallographs really do work - and very well.  I own four, and as strange as it may appear, they in-fact alter (expand or narrow) the sound-field when set up properly.  Go figure.  I wouldn't trade them and... 
Yogi - Patsy fans are delusional. You conveniently overlook the fact that the Patsies are "CHEATERS". 1. Deflated footballs2. Stolen signals3. Illegal filmingThe list goes on and on and on...tainted team, tainted coach, tainted QB...tainted love. ... 
Somehow I remember in 2008 The Patsies had 18 meaningless wins and 1 GIANT loss! The thrill of victory....and the agony of defeat. So Soooo embarrassing.  
Written like a lame Patsy fan. Its just the stubborn little "fact" that Jan Brady, oops, I mean Giselle Brady, oops, I mean Tom Brady, never beat NY and as such, can’t really be considered "Super Bowl Champion". Yogi, life is hard, what can I tell... 
There’s an old saying "New York, NY, so nice they named it twice. If you can make it here you can make it anywhere!"Superbowl XLVI Feb 10, 2012 NY Giants 21 PATSIES 17Superbowl XLII Feb 3, 2008 NY Giants 17 PATSIES 14I guess the Boston/New England... 
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?
I want my funk uncut! The fully loaded Mothership consisting of Funkadelic’s George Clinton, Bernie Worrell, Eddie Hazel, Mike Hampton, Billy Nelson, Bootsy Collins, Cordell Mosson, Garry Shider, Fuzzy Haskins combined with The JB’s’ Maceo Parker ...