

Responses from flippinjaz

Which Preamp Would You Choose?
@zerobias...Agree with other posters about the SF 1.  I own one, and it is pretty sterile. The right tubes to make it “better “ are really expensive. My AI Mod.3 is better in every way. 
Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!
Garbage in...garbage out. That's been my experience. 
Vandersteen sub question
Thanks everyone for the input. I appreciate it. 
Could someone suggest a decent audiophile cartrige for a Technics dj TT?
Thanks everyone for the responses! Gives me some choices to ponder.Jim 
Could someone suggest a decent audiophile cartrige for a Technics dj TT?
Thanks Dan.  I'll check it out. 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
I would never post a bad purchase on a social site before I tried to do all I could to remedy the situation. Having your own business I would think you would have the same consideration if someone had a issue with your work. I think it is a bad de... 
The awful truth about CDs, do they have the same shelve life as LP's ?
Absolute rubbish. 
Sounds like not enough amp. I have 2ce's with stereo subs and are heavenly on symphonic music. Running old sonatas mono/blk M200. Set up is fussy but once you get it they are quite nice. I have heard many 3a sigs. and always was amazed. They reall... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
 Not that I don't indulge but None!  It makes you THINK your system is better than it is. Sober is always better. 
Your Go to CD to Impress
Steve Strauss...Mr. Bones 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
My guess research and development.