
Responses from fran

"Glue Cleaning" Your LP's
How about using artists masking fluid. This is latex fluid, you paint it on as a "mask" and then it just peels off. Might be worth a try and its cheap!Fran 
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik
OK,I've actually decided to go the LOMC route as I have been offered a good deal on a decent phono stage. Thanks to the fellas that contacted me about my post above....Fran 
cartridge imbalance help please
Thanks for the input anyway. Although I'm new here, I hate to leave threads hanging - so I "try" to report back to close out/update a thread.Fran 
cartridge imbalance help please
just to close this thread out, the problem was down to speaker placement. The TT was more resolving than the CDP and so the slight imbalance showed up more clearly there.Fran 
How to remove a 'press fit' steel ball bearing?
You could try some compressed air. I've used it to remove thrust plates down at the bottom of a bearing well a few times. The air blows out any oil that holding the ball/plate in place and gets in behind the ball, loosening it and popping it out. ... 
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik
If anyone has a EDR9 or the 750 LTD that they don't want, I'd be interested....Fran 
nakamichi 480
Ah, I'm afraid the 700 has slipped away on me.. to be honest it was going for just more money than I was willing to spend on it. I really just want something decent to play my existing tapes on, real money would be spent on either more music/turnt... 
nakamichi 480
Thats really great to hear!I still have to get back to the guy about the 700 deck, but I think I'll wait until I receive the 480. So I may be getting a bit ahead of myself here, but seeing as this deckmust be of the order of 25 years old, where do...