
Responses from francotirador2

Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@mlsstl Thank you for the recommendation.   
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@pennfootball71  Thank you for those suggestions. I will look into those components.    @loomisjohnson  Yes, I will report back here once I get it all up and running. Thank you.     
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@zlone  I would have gone with the Freya+ and the Node if I knew that I would have received the Freya+ by Friday. However, I was not confident that I would.  Thanks again.    
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
I just ordered the Arcam ST60. I hope it goes well. Many thanks to everyone who offered their help.  
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@immatthewj  Thank you for that information. Given your recommendation, if I were going with the Freya I would definitely have Schitt supply the tubes. The Aragon is a dual mono-block amplifier which produces 400 watts into 4 ohm loads. I also ha... 
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@audphile1  It's not too late, so thank you for the recommendation. I'm still trying to decide. I'd like to purchase something new that I can have in my hands by this Friday, the 5th. The Freya would not get here by Friday that's why my hunt conti... 
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@jbuhl  Thank you for the recommendation. The Moon Ace appears to be an integrated amp/streamer. I’ve decided that I want to try a system using my Aragon 8008 for now. If whatever I choose to use at this time doesn’t work out I’ll look into the Mo... 
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
I’ve decided to go with the Freya+ and the Node. Is it recommended to purchase the tubes from Schitt, or would I do better purchasing them elsewhere? If purchasing them elsewhere is my best bet kindly recommend where that would be.  Thank you.   
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
Great! That’s exactly what I wanted to know. I really appreciate the help. I’m leaning towards the Freya with the Node.   
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
Thank you for those recommendations. I was thinking about a tube preamp with the Node rather than Eversolo. I just don’t know if there would be a problem using a newer preamp with my old Aragon amplifier. I guess I should call Schitt to see what t... 
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
Thank you for those recommendations. I will look into them also.   
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
Thank you for the recommendation. Would you happen to know if that product would work okay with my decades-old amp? That’s where some of my concern is.