
Responses from guscreek

Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
I have owned and used my Proceed HPA-2 for 6 years.  Mark Levinson designed dual monoaural beast that can go 500w/4 ohms.  My Time Frame 2000s are 8-4 ohms, 92 db sensitivity and rated to 1000w. When I owned a bigger house I enjoyed turning up th... 
Toe in is crucial
The difference between using toe in and obsessing et al is that EVERYONE can hear the change with toe in.  
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
My persistent tinnitus is much cheaper.  
Amps that don’t impersonate space heaters.
I love my Proceed HPA-2!  Still around for 1200-1600.  Not bad for a dual monaural amp that retailed for 3500 20 years ago. 250/8 500/4 bridgeable.  I power a pair of DCM Time Frame 2000's to concert levels and neither amp or speakers break a swea... 
Audio Cables: All the Same?
Hello all Very interesting discussion.  For reference my modest system consists of a Proceed HPA-2, Lexicon MC-8 I use in two channel pure analog mode and a Denon SACD.  Well regarded components I would say.  What makes it a little more special a...