
Responses from infoee30

Do reel to reel tapes fade over time...
the tapes that need "cooking" are typically from the mid-late 70's. The older tapes from the 1950's with Acetate backing hold up remarkabley well. The sticky-shed problem came much later due to the instability of the backing material. Print-throug... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Hi,At CES, I heard all sorts of angry rumors about our 3rd consecutive victory at the HE show. "they cheated! you know, they were GIVING OUT CANDY!!""Pens! They handed out PENS!!""Showmanship and marketing"First of all, asking people to vote for y... 
Source Loudspeaker Technologies?
Hi,I was never in a partnership with Source Technologies, or their owner. John Solecito was the previous licensee of Infinite Slope from Modafferi Acoustical Labs - up until 1990 or so. they operated under the JS Engineering name. JOhn later becam...