

Responses from isaywhateveryo

Is the B&W 802d3 a significant upgrade over the 804d3 + powerful sub?
Understood, but my thought is that the difference might be muted with an $8k subwoofer.  I was just trying to gauge whether there still is a substantial difference. But given that I can’t find any threads on it, perhaps it’s a bad question.  
Anthem A5 enough to drive B&W 804D3 fronts and HTM1D3 Center?
Thanks so much for the detailed reply.  You asked a couple of questions that I'll answer.On the hiss, I've tried everything to get rid of it.  I've (a) used a cheater plug; (b) swapped for very expensive Audioquest MacKenzie RCA interconnects; (c)... 
Better to use Parasound Halo A31 or Rotel RB-1590 for front L/R?
I suppose one other option would be to just use an A51 instead, but then I'm running all 5 speakers off the same power supply, whereas the plans above would have two separate quality power supplies.