
Responses from jazzman999

Preamp Shopping - Parasound, ML, McIntosh
Thanks for all the replies so far.  I am struggling a bit with the "all in one" aspect of some of my choices.  Sometimes I think that a simpler analog preamp with no phono pre and no dac is the best choice (thus the JC2).  Thanks to everyone for t... 
Preamp Shopping - Parasound, ML, McIntosh
I am looking for relative transparency - I like the neutral qualities of my speakers.  The most important things to me are DSD Capability and a true analog signal path for my analog sources.  
Improvement over 2002 Denon AVR-3802 for 2 Channel Music System
Thanks. I forgot to mention another amp I am looking at is the Outlaw 2220 Monoblock (pair). Or maybe the Emotiva XPA-2 or the monoblocks (XPA HC-1).  Too many choices...  
Improvement over 2002 Denon AVR-3802 for 2 Channel Music System
Thanks, to all.  The Black Ice stuff looks nice.  I am not big on processing the signal though.  I can only think of aural enhancers like the 'ol BBE Sonic Maximizer...  Not my bag. I realize that this is an antiquated example, but every time I ha... 
Improvement over 2002 Denon AVR-3802 for 2 Channel Music System
Thanks!  More interested in separates.  I am looking for "old school" - Class AB amp - separate pre / power / phono / DAC.  Not really looking for anything with "big tech" like room correction etc. I want to keep it simple and with the least amoun... 
Improvement over 2002 Denon AVR-3802 for 2 Channel Music System
Thanks.  Some great advice - totally get that!  This room is, however - if not "untreatable" it is at the very least "difficult to treat" in its current form.  For me.  I have done what I can , but there are so many things getting in the way of th...