
Responses from jed

New cartridge, now some adjustment questions.
Thanks for all the responses. It's definitely not acoustic feedback - I should have mentioned that all of my listening is through headphones. I increased tracking force 1/10 gram at a time last night, and listened to music. At 1.5 grams, the break... 
New cartridge, now some adjustment questions.
Ok, the problem is showing up in the music as well. After listening last night, I have a problem with a low frequency breakup in the left channel. It seems to be centered at one frequency, higher than a drum or bass, as those are sharp and defined... 
New cartridge, now some adjustment questions.
Ok, I have set the VTF to 1 gram, without using the brush. I have run some of the test tracks again, and the break-up is more on the left channel, although fairly constant on both. (For the 300hz test tones on side 2). I will spend some time liste... 
New cartridge, now some adjustment questions.
Viridian,The instructions that came with the sure indicated that VTF be set at 1.5 grams, and if the brush was down, actual tracking weight would be 1 gram. I have not been using the brush, as even before I had the test record I could hear the eff... 
New cartridge, now some adjustment questions.
I am running it at 1.5 grams, as measured by a shure force gauge. 
Need better sound from my records, where to start?
Well I had originally ordered a 440ml from the Needle Doctor, but after waiting a week without hearing anything from them, I called to find that it was on indefinite backorder. Some searching around yielded the same response from other retailers. ... 
Need better sound from my records, where to start?
Thanks for the input Psychicanimal. I have a couple hundred albums already, and like to buy albums for a couple of dollars that I'd rather not spend 15 on for cd. At this point, I don't need top of the line for vinyl, because most of my records ar... 
Need better sound from my records, where to start?
Ok. Thanks for all the help. I've ordered the AT 440ml. I was going to order the Shure, but quieter tracking would make a world of difference to me. I played with cartridge alignment more last night, and got things quite a bit better, including re... 
Need better sound from my records, where to start?
I'm very interested in the Audio Technica OC9, however the pp-1 does not support MC. While my first preference would be to go with one that would work with my existing NAD phono stage, perhaps the Audio Technica paired with a Pro-ject phono box an... 
Need better sound from my records, where to start?
Thanks for the responses. I haven't bought many records in a year or so now, but at the time I was buying them I had rigged my own vacuum cleaning system, that helped quite a bit. I have certainly considered the purchase of a record cleaning machi...