
Responses from jparan

Buying Advice: Old Meridian or New Krell?
Thanks for the advice Nthlyt2! The Krell being made in China was also bit of a turnoff to me too; I have mixed opinions on that front also. Alas I ended up grabbing a 502 today on Audiogon. I haven't chosen out some speakers yet but am thinking th... 
Bel Canto Dac2 light always green... is it okay?
Thanks Don! I guess I mean't more along the lines of the internal components to the DAC and if they're at risk; and if they were constantly "at work" trying to process rather than being in stand-by (red LED). Nonetheless by your description it sou... 
Best decoder DTS,AC3,etc for Bel Canto Dac2
Thanks! Is there certain levels of quality to this down conversion? That is, will one manufacturer be a better down converter than another? I imagine turning a DTS signal into stereo PCM output must have *some* degree of science behind it.