
Discussions judsauce has started

Benz micro glider cartridge loading advice needed.124219
Vacuum Tube preamp with my KRELL KAV 250a, a no no......WHY?173540
Advice needed on upgrading tonearm for VPI SCOUTMASTER107017
Otello vs. Carmen mkII.........help me choose.207910
Need tube help!140720
"NO DISC" error on cd player12637
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp13240137
Adcom GFP 750 preamp "hum"27253
I can't part with it; what should I do?34439
Hi pitched hum from TT pre-amp?31868
Use of TV antenna for Tuner32415
Sony PS-X7 direct drive, slipping at 33 RPM46925
Shipping Dunlavy SC 3's31349
Need advice on a headshell wieght for a JMW9 arm?26856