
Responses from kdeleon

IsoAcoustics GAIA
I also really like Isoacoustics for speakers.  I started with GAIA for my floor standers and they were great.  Then I had stand mount speakers in another room.  I use the Aperta between the speaker and the stand.  Not only did I get the same sound... 
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
@mclinnguy  That is what I’m trying to understand. In the original post, we are putting a $2500 power cord on a $6000 streamer. I want to know what difference should one expect when doing this versus let’s say a $1000 power cord. I would prefer no... 
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
I can think of many reasons why not.  That is why I asked my question.  
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
I’m very happy with my new Auralic Aries G2.2  I use a Shunyata Alpha v.2 NR power cord on it @axeis1.  You spent 40% of your streamer’s price for a power cord.  What did you feel the changes were that deemed such a nice cable?  I am asking ... 
IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO
I have both Magico's and Gaia but not on the same system.  I run Magico A1 speakers and have Isoacoustics Aperta's on them.  I feel the change was significant.  But could be due to my stands not being great.  I also have Gaia's on my Revel Studio'... 
Mark levinson no.532h
I had the 532h with my F50s and it was good.  Recently, I changed speakers to the Ultimat Studio2 and I feel it is a really excellent combination.  The amp seems to have great control over the speaker as in soundstage and low end extension.  I hav...