
Responses from kopelman

Esoteric SA-50???
Alpha3, I'm at the Munich show and Esoteric has the new SA-50 on display. They are using Avantgarde Duo's with the Bass Module, I thought the sound was outstanding. The are playing the same musio in Vinyl and CD. And the CD is as smooth as the CD. 
Esoteric SA-50???
I received my SA-50 last week. This is one great player and I love the the external input. I use XM radio,I know it's compressed, but the converter in the SA-50 does a great job. I like the minimum phase filter, no pre echo. I think the AKM 4390 i... 
Denon amp
Neilmc, I have a POA 2400 brochure, and the output stage is push-pull, so that would be Class AB. I think the Optical Class A drive circuit was Class A.