
Responses from kreebs29

Top 5 Classical recordings
I just purchased Bethoven's Bicentennial set (ok two parts of it or ten albums worth). Anywho, from what I have heard so far, I am very impressed with the musicality of his work. I also have three collections of Tchaikovsky, which I got into when ... 
Album which you have listened to most?
I have a couple that I seem to listen to more. Paradise Theater by Styx and The best of The Doobie Brothers. For Styx, it's Too Much time on my hands and Doobies, pretty well both sides. Hall and Oates is up there as well. 
Top 5 Classical recordings
I just recently purchased Bethoven's bicentennial collection from a goodwill store. I have only made it through one album of ten and am quite pleased. I also have three albums of Tchaikovsky's best work.