Responses from m2500tvr
What are the absolute legendary Snell model no.s? Which Snell Acoustics epoch are we talking about - Snell, Voecks, Smith, D’Appolito. My experience with Snell speakers goes all the way to a demo of the Type A by Peter Snell. And I’ve lived near, even visited, where they’ve been made (Haverhill a... | |
Why so little discussion about Snell ? I know this thread is ancient. Just came across it looking for some other info on Snell.Sad story, I feel. Such great stuff. I remember when I was just getting into audio as a kid and saw Peter Snell demo the Type A. So many great speakers, and so... | |
Does anyone own Snell EIII Speakers and/or Stands? I do have a picture of the "stands" Snell offered for this speaker. It's basically a box that the base of the speaker sits in. The bases would be very easy to fabricate, I think, unless there's something else going on in this box besides air.My br... | |
GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use? With the Europas I've used Conrad Johnson MV-75's (updated/upgraded by their original designer, Bill Thalmann), either in 75wpc stereo or 150wpc monoblock configurations, a Conrad Johnson Premier 11A at 70wpc, and an Odyssey Audio Stratos. All sou... | |
Snell E/III vs. Snell Type D loudspeakers A Snell shoot out...I have C/Vs and EIIs. I've listened to the others - the various generations and variations of Js, Ks, Es, Ds, B Minors, etc. I think they were all very good speakers. It's interesting, I think, to see the way the design approac... | |
Stands for Green Mountain Europa Gaudio_eek is right. The tweeter needs to be at ear height, or even higher so you're ears are mid way between the tweeter and the woofer, when you're seated your listening position. Just stand up and you'll hear it. The further away you are from t... | |
A few questions for Green Mountain Europa owners I may be late to this thread, but here goes...I've owned the Europas for over a year now. Remarkable speaker. I've used them with monoblock CJ MV-75s (mod'ed by their designer, Bill Thalmann), a CJ Prem 11A, and an Odyssey Stratos. All work just f... | |
Channel Island DAC I have owned the VDA-1/VAC-1 DAC/powersupply combo since it was first available (since last spring, I forget?). I'm currently comparing and mixing and matching it with a bunch of digital front end gear with the aim of finding the setup I like best... |