
Responses from mafuta

Strange listening situation
Vocals are usually panned dead centre in a stereo mix.That would mean that both left and right channels would carry identical signal for that vocal. If the two channels of your system is out of phase to each other the vocal will disappear. The sig... 
Best Koetsu for SME V
I used a number of sequential Koetsu Onyx carts on an SME V for more than 10 years,having moved from the temperamental Goldmund T3 to the V. I had the heavy counterweight and headshell spacers for the V. I thought it was wonderful. Then I tried th... 
Rives Audio PARC
I have used the PARC for many years to deal with a single standing wave created by the width of my room. It is indispenable in my system. So much that when its power transformer burnt out a few years ago the system was never used when it was being... 
EMT 297 or 309 new produktion vs. Shindo Meursault
Hans Michael Fabritius builds those 997s himself in the Black Forrest(Well I think Kippenheim is in the Black Forrest). When I ordered mine he wanted to know things like the required length of the arm pillar,thickness of the mounting plate,length ... 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
I have been fiddling with a huge broadcasting idler wheel turntable all weekend. While adjusting it in the garage with headphones plugged into its integral electronics I was most perplexed by an intermittent drone with the arm at rest . Then I rea... 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
I use an all horn system with 2 massive basshorns.The space between these two horns forms a funny shaped little room where my eqp is kept.Because this room is formed by the basshorns it is more of a bunker,The floor is a meter thick solid concrete... 
thorens or emt?
1960s Ferrari GTO or 1980s 288 GTO . Both fantastic but hardly compatible:Like the 60s Ferrari the EMT was built for one purpose only,like the 288 GTO the Reference was built to obtain best possible performance,instill pride of ownership and make ... 
Does anyone know this tuner?
breuer 5c tonearm
I owned a 5 for more than 10 years in the 90s.It replaced a Fidelity Research 64fx in my system.I found it significantly better than the FR making that arm sounding flat and lacking in detail.For a long time the Breuer was mounted simultaneously a... 
Problems with SME V Tracking
The SME has an unusualy thick armtube. With shallow cartridges it can sometimes catch on the armlift or on the edge of the platter. On thicker lps the armtube runs a little higher thus clearing the lift. Check this before doing something radical.I...