
Responses from mfiddles

? about Smoking Power Amp
Great. So something like two of these, one to mimic the load of each speaker, with one speaker wire going to each end of the resistor? 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Thank you, Nagel. Well 3.14 x R^2 = area, so I suppose the 3.14% odds you cited are not too bad. Lol. How do I "buy large dummy loads?" Do they sell them at Target? Walmart? Do you just mean running a high-volume signal into the amp, with nothing ... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Still standing, last I checked. :)  
? about Smoking Power Amp
Yes, upon further inspection, I found the offending component. It is a single resistor, labeled D785, in the location described by larryi. (The component adjacent to it is a diode and does not appear damaged.) It appears that the coating of the re... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Here is a link to a photo of the inside of the amp. As should be evident, there is no visible damage to any component. I have looked at each component closely and see nothing out of the ordinary. 
? about Smoking Power Amp
And just to answer the prior poster's question, no the connections are not balanced (XLR). They are RCA. Yes the low pass filter is entirely passive, and it was reversed in the fashion you describe. The filter has a male (output) and female (input... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Thank you for all of the helpful feedback! 😊 I appreciate it and will consider all of it. My understanding has been that, when an amp blows, it does not blow components upstream from it (e.g., preamp, DAC, etc.). It could blow the speakers but tha... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
The reasons to even consider "risking it" are two: 1) I like how the amp sounds, and it has a "use value" to me that well exceeds its resale value of <$150; and 2) if the amp blows, it seems unlikely that it would damage anything but the amp ... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Thank you, Jerry. The amp is a Sony TA-N721. It happens to not sell for much used, but it sounds great in my system, even compared to some amps I have tested that would cost 10x as much.  
? about Smoking Power Amp
Thank you, Mike! I had the same thought about the amp, in terms of getting it checked. Problem is that the tech shop near me will not even look at an amp worth less than $200, which is the case for this one (though I also happen to like it).