
Responses from misterbobman

Review: Marsh Sound Design A-400s Amplifier
What were the failure modes and root cause(s)?  
Which subwoofer should I get?
"...to tame room modes", not "nodes".  Please refer, with accuracy next time, to my entry. FYI:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_modes "...equalization is part of the necessary treatment of room modes in bass. There is no escape from that, bu... 
Which subwoofer should I get?
While the discussion here seems to have morphed into a back-and-forth about REL vs SVS, in my many years attempting to tame modes in my room(s) with two very capable "air moving machines" (no brand names mentioned to avoid the resulting arguments)... 
B&W Matrix HTM 165mm Mid-bass Driver - Replacement Options
Quote: "  Yes, I have a couple of ongoing leads shopping at the usual places (eBay, Usaudiomart, Canuckaudiomart, Craigslist...).  "  
Thiel speaker service
  I don't disagree.  Yet in 2+ decades I've never tripped the APOC circuit, smoked a tweeter, or overdisplaced a cone/coil of a cone driver on my B&W 801-II's.  Bi-amped (200+ watts on woofer, 120+ watts on mid/high), sometimes played to thund... 
B & W 801 S3 Crossover Upgrade
This was mentioned here: "According to Frank VanAlstine, the S2’s had a crossover issue which B&W addresses on the S3."   That no-parts mod is explained here: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/b-w-matrix-801-series-2-enter-the-... 
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
  Quite a lot of self promotion, and dare I say self aggrandizement in that video ( this one Watch this. ).  At the 14:10 mark I heard that injection molded cones are "a unique thing".     Careful, umm, marketing is a significant part of any cons... 
Nakamichi 600 repair question
Have you seen this Service Manual? file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/Nakamichi-600-Service-Manual.pdf  
Thiel speaker service
Am wanting to hear more about Thiel drivers failures. I know the 1st order x-overs allow signal content into the non-linear behavior zone(s) of some drivers.  I don't much about peak excursion limits of various cones Jim Thiel chose to employ.  Do...