
Responses from monible

Anything better than Vandersteen 3A sig for the $
Vandersteens are extremely accurate in reproducing the signal they are sent. There are other brands that will add the coloration that you may prefer but for the money, nothing will give you better sound. A big part of your overall sound is obvious... 
Upgrade my Theta or move on?
I'm picking up the Vandersteen's this weekend. I've wanted them for quite a while and finally have the opportunity to buy them "used." I'm really looking forward to it. Of course now I'm already planning my next upgrades. I'm sure you know how tha... 
Upgrade my Theta or move on?
Interesting, your system has some similarities to mine. I had a Rotel RCD971 CD player, Theta DaVid II DVD transport, Theta Casablanca II with "superior" front channel DACs, Sunfire AMP and Mirage speakers. I'm currently upgrading to Vandersteen s...