
Responses from mxwizard

Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff
After starting this post, i am happy to report that i have purchased a used Simaudio I-5 from the dealer i bought my Sttafs from. I have had the I-5 about a week, and hearing things i didnt notice before. A wonderful experince...Once i fix the buz... 
Simaudio I3 or I5...
I bought the I-5 last tuesday and got a $200 break on the price. The dealer shipped it to me (by Greyhound ), and payed for the shipping ($17). I bought my Sttafs from him a few months ago and the two are a great match (by my ears). Im hearing thi... 
Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff
Let me start by thanking everyone for their responces...As I suspected when I started this post, it was going to get off topic...Its great we all have differnt points of view and can share opionions.I have to agree with the one posters that said s... 
Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff
Well its official...I ordered my Totem Sttaf's today.The dealer has business in the city i live in and will bring the Totems with him..Now thats customer service. As far as a new amp...well the jury is still out on that for now, but he does have a... 
Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff
My music tastes have changed a little,maybe not so much changed but expanded..Jazz has been the choice of late but rock, and metal can still draw my attention.As far as on the high side of 40 and we live in a condo so i dont need to tak...