
Responses from obsessalot

Altec 510 reviews?
Thank you for your response Jmbatkh. I really appreciate your taking the time. I am happy with the 510's and know that reading through all of the information here that I could do better to be sure that all other components of my system are up to p... 
Altec 510 reviews?
Thanks for your responses! Back in the early 80's my brother had trialed the Altec 14's and the 19's. The 14's won out. Then the 511's came into the picture. I heard them both in the same room. The 511's had a much fuller sound overall - not the p... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Thank's Macrojack. I appreciate the advice and the suggestions. As does my wife...well at least one of the suggestions she is on board with...unfortunately it is join the gym. I am going to take a close look at my system, make a couple improvement... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I believe at this point I will try a different approach before I 'check in but never leave'. If I find a source that could provide a recommendation for speaker 'pre-treatment' or upstream equipment such as amps, pre-amps, table and cartridge along... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I appreciate what you are saying. I have tried to educate myself over the years. Back in the 70's and 80's I never had the opportunity - or the interest - to invest in a fine sound system. In the last 10 years I have had more time to listen and ap... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I am still searching. I love the altec re-issue 510's but wonder if I am missing out on something much better. My brothers have the 80's version altec 511's and love them. In fact one brother had both Altec studio Model 14's and 511's. He got rid ...