
Responses from olesonmd

Designer Hall of Fame
Brian Cheney - VMPS AudioWhile well known for their low end response, VMPS speakers have the most natural (neutral) sounding midrange of any product my ears have laid eyes on. They shine with demanding material (female voices / piano). 
Tubes vs. solid state.
A little more fuel on the fire......"A few music listeners still have the illusion that...tubed units are in some mysterious way better than present solid-state units. The overall superior performance of solid-state design has been scientifically ... 
Tubes vs. solid state.
And the reason tube amps are loved by guitar players is that they overdrive them into distortion frequently. We all know about tubes even order harmonics when overdriven. How many of you overdrive your home stereo to get that classic distorted roc... 
Tubes vs. solid state.
What is the ultimate goal of any design, SS, or Tube? Is it not the uncolored and neutral/faithful reproduction of the original recording?I will argue that any well engineered, well executed design will accomplish this goal. Tubes, as well as soli... 
what is the impedance of vmps mini towers?
I have a pair of VMPS Mini Tower II A's with all of the upgraded drivers. Rated at 8ohms. BTW, these are awesome speakers!Hope this helps!