
Responses from plakey

The reviews are true about the EAR Phono Classic
Curious if anyone has used this with a Hana ML… I’m looking for some magic for my cart and investigating phono preamps.   
Hana ML Phono Stage / SUT
Thanks all!  
Lively, fast & open sounding integrated under 3k?
Is this thread still live? 
Spendor Classic 3/1 vs Graham Chartwell LS6 ?
I'm demoing the LS6 this weekend... although I don't have a way to demo the 3/1 at the moment.... 
Spendor Classic 3/1 vs Graham Chartwell LS6 ?
I bought a pair of Spendor A1 last year for my office. I have to say I love them. I used to have Harberth P3ESR (different room, different amps) but I never really liked it and got rid of it after a few years. I think the A1 are very very good. It... 
TEAC NT-505 - How good is it?
I picked up a new NT-505 for $1200 on eBay from the official Onkyo/Teac store, 30-day return policy. I'm demoing it now...  
TEAC NT-505 - How good is it?
Thanks for the advice folks. Appreciate it. 
TEAC NT-505 - How good is it?
I"m on the fence between an NT-505 and a Cambridge CXN v2. I'll use it for 1-Roon, 2- coax in from CD Transport, 3- Toslink input from TV/DVD player. Can't quite decide. I have a Chord 2Qute in my other system, I tend to like NOS sounding R2R stuf... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
This is fascinating. Thanks for all this info. I'm a bit perplexed myself, as I've just bought an Eastern Electric minimax integrated and I need some speakers. Small room but I don't want bookshelf speakers. Tekton and Zu keep popping up as the go...