

Responses from pulseav

Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...
There are so many great speakers out there, is there one that is sooo much better than another?  It really comes down to the ear of the person listening, the amp driving them. The source feeding it and so on  
Best used integrated under $5k
I'm with the Lyngdorf great sound.  Take a look at the new Anthem integrated, It's pretty nice. 
Hunt for new floor standers
Might check out Fyne Audio if any dealers in your area have them. 
Paradigm Persona 9H - hard to drive !?
Paradigm generally thru the Anthem 1000w M1 mono at each speaker when they demo these at CEDIA. 
Bought a pair of Magnepan LRS. Should I buy a Schiit Vidar or Bryston 3B-ST?
Bryston all day long.  It will deliver the power needed for Magnepans.