
Responses from rainmonkey

ATC ca2 and p1
Hi there,I have the P1s and CA2s, working with ATC Scm40s,I had been running the 40s so far with a Cayin Tube integrated amp, well honest opinion I think I preferred the sound of the 40s with the tube , only problem being you cannot push the level... 
Best Pre for ATC 100's
I have my ATC hooked on to a Ear Yoshino 868 pre amp, I also own the ATC CA2, but the sound with the EAR is just too sweet.ATC sounds fantastic with tubes. 
Newbe Help what AV amp
Thks Hifivn,Tried the 2 channel setting n it sounded muddy, Ran it last week with a sad Onkyo AV amp , The sound was much better.I guess ill have to go in for an Av amp for the DVD part,,,a bit of a bummer as i was hoping to keep it totally 2 chan... 
Newbe Help what AV amp
Thks Shadorne , Strangly the same videos sound good coming out of the TVs stereo speakers.The dvd also has 2 channel stereo option n I had chosen that, but like u said is it because of the missing centre n subwoofer channel?I guess i goofed up the...