
Responses from rgt

Designer Hall of Fame
Mark Porzilli, the designer of the revolutionary Memory Player deserves a nomination. He also designed the Scaena and Pipedreams line array speakers and prior to that the Melos amps and preamps. 
audiophile music servers the latest products, info
The Memory Player by Nova Physics Group is your answer! 
Implications of Esoteric G-0Rb atomic clock
This might answer all your questions. http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/critics/messages/25316.htmlI believe that the reactions of all the reviewers that first heard the Memory Player were NOT all hype. For Harry Pearson to say "He was in AWE" is ... 
Implications of Esoteric G-0Rb atomic clock
The Memory Player, produced by the Nova Physics Corp. made clocking obsolete! Here's how it was explained:"All clocking does is synchronize the laser with the DAC. Clocking synchronizes the beginning of the time the sampler is "open" for the laser...