
Responses from rhythm-man

Audition of Tekton M-Lore, Lore or Lore-S speakers
Btcook007 -- I can be reached via email at jim-joni@comcast.net. Unless I'm traveling, I usually read messages once a day. Do you have your Lore-S speakers yet? I'm really interested in hearing those speakers. 
Audition of Tekton M-Lore, Lore or Lore-S speakers
Thank you to both Jandjd in Longview and BTcook007 in Scottsdale for your offers -- I'm very interested in hearing both M-Lores in a surround system and Lore-Ss. Jandjd -- please let me know when you have your HT system completed with all M-Lores.... 
Audition of Tekton M-Lore, Lore or Lore-S speakers
I know Tekton offers a 30-day home trial. My problem is the home where I want to use these speakers is in Phoenix, AZ area and I live/work in Portland, OR. So I really can't audition them in my "home setting."I was traveling this week in SLC and c...