
Responses from schmosmos

What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?
A four thousand dollar digital cable for preserving an unimprovable sequence of 1s and 0s,  You guys are hilarious.  Thanks for the entertainment. 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
This topic, as submitted, is a good example of why some people think that high-end audiophiles are a bunch of jerks. So “all integrated amps suck” do they? Let's consider this issue as if we were talking about cars. I would hope most Audiogon F... 
Why is modern pop music today so terrible?
Simple: it is created for an audience that is almost entirely ignorant of music.  Imagine books if they were published for illiterates.  Instead of sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and a story arc, you might have page after page with just a single...