
Responses from sifi42

Acoustic Research P10 / C06
Yes - I've owned one for years - I have put it back to back with some big name amps and I was getting up to $10k NZ and I was going sideways but not improving hence the reason I had it as my amp for 25yrs - I replace it with one of LFDs top amps a... 
McIntosh and Brystons: Fair comparison ?
With any steio gear it comes down to what "You" like the sound of ! I am very one eyed towards SS as it has so much more punch and control compaired to value and the good SS Do have warmth - I havent listen to the Bryston but I did try the Mc when... 
How much does your system retail for?
$50k for Cd / Dac/ Pre / Power / Speakers and Sub - I cant afford to even think about HT ! -- I take it there is a Lock Out System on this site to stop Wives / Partners coming on Audiogon and seeing these figures ! LOL.