

Responses from skza

Entry Level Turntable-- Preamp Matching
Well, the Phonomena II arrived and after a night of listening, I made a very easy decision to keep it in my system. The V-LPS put up a good fight, but the Phonomena presented a much more cohesive, focused soundstage than the V-LPS. No hint of dist... 
Entry Level Turntable-- Preamp Matching
Oh, I'm definitely not bummed. On the contrary, I'm excited to try out a great new piece of equipment. And if it doesn't offer the jump I was hoping for I can send it back and stick with what I've got. It should get in on Wednesday. Since there ar... 
Entry Level Turntable-- Preamp Matching
Thanks for the wise words, everyone. It's true, the upgrade bug bites hard. Now, if only I had seen your comments 12 hours earlier... I ended up finding a great deal on a Phonomena II on here, checked that the seller had a return policy (he did) a...