Rouge Audio Alauda XS1200DM Amplifier | evank | 1270 | 5 | |
Best 12AU7 tube for PS Audio Monos | milpai | 1912 | 4 | |
LSA Voyager GAN 350 versus Merrill Audio Element Amps or AGD Grand Vivace and Vivace Amps | shkong78 | 6968 | 42 | |
Benchmark ABH2 compared to Merrill Element Series and other ultra high end amps | viber6 | 5537 | 22 | |
Benchmark ABH2 amp and full range electrostatics, e.g. CLX or Soundlab | ballhog | 6443 | 19 | |
Comparison of Analysis Plus Big Oval or Silver Apex to Nordost Norse 2 speaker cables | soundhound | 5002 | 2 | |
Has anyone compared the Constellation Taurus amp to the Luxman M-900 | russellrcncom | 3822 | 3 | |
Kimber KCAG versus Nordost, newer Kimber interconnects, etc | soundhound | 7136 | 7 | |
Martin Logan electrostatics versus King Sound and/or Sound Lab electrostatics. | | 2181 | 0 | |
Effect of Speltz Autoformers on Sound Quality | soundhound | 1989 | 2 | |
OTL Tube Amps and Full Range Electrostatic Speakers | soundhound | 6701 | 18 | |
Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Parts Connection vs. Factory Level II Mods | soundhound | 3040 | 2 | |
Audio Research Reference 5SE modifications/bypassing output caps | atmasphere | 5647 | 10 | |