Responses from sputz
a 3 way design speaker with the ESS Heil type sound Thanks again everyone. I think tomic601 and decooney are on to it. Extended, detailed bass, but with mid bass slam. Beautiful dipole fast and accurate highs. 3 way with HEIL. I never thought of a high current amp. I was thinking tube preamp to ta... | |
a 3 way design speaker with the ESS Heil type sound Wow. I appreciate every single response. Thank you all! Some truly great ideas, and beautiful speakers. I love having my eyes opened. I knew of Qualio Audio. I have been interested in those. I knew of the Monitor Audio Platinum PL-300 series. Hear... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers Daedalus Speakers with tubes or quality class A solid state. Monitor Audio Platinum with solid state. Magnepan 20’s really depends on your like/dislike of certain speaker qualities. horns? silk dome? metal tweeters? electrostatic? | |
Are REL the most Musical Subs? In 2 channel music listening, subs should just be an extension of main speakers. They extend lower frequencies and add bass dynamic punch. Find a sub that sounds close to the mains. Klipsch subs are boomy. I think sealed in the music listening, or... |