
Responses from sroybal

Have you seen Eric Clapton at his best?
Saw Cream at Fillmore West in 1968,also, and yes, as I recall there was SOME ATMOSPHERE.!!!I think I lost some hearing at that concert. 
Bob Dylan finally makes sense....
irrelevant or irreverentBothExcellent 
Bob Dylan finally makes sense....
I agree with Ben. Watch the Scorsese film on Dylan and you will see the constant sarcastic and playfully irrelevant Dylan.Clearly a guy who "gets it" and doesn't take himself or the industry seriously.Amazing poet, and he loved loud rock and roll!... 
Which Vivaldi Four Seasons CD to buy???
I agree with Newmanoc that Chesky doesn't typically have the best musicians but the sound quality of the recording of 4 Seasons is wonderful.I listened to musicians improve through practice and was treated to observing the special evolution of a f... 
Which Vivaldi Four Seasons CD to buy???
I have listened to many different recordings of Four Seasons, started with Deutsche Grammophon and ended with the Chesky Records.The Chesky is a recording of the Connecticut Early Music Festival Ensemble and it captures the true "woody organic" so... 
Tubes with GMA Europas.....
Yes,I have a Jolida-202 modded and rolled (tube). I also run an ACI force sub to fill the bottom.The Europas are easy to drive and play plenty load. I love the sound..very musical.WAF=she enjoys the sound even from a different room and noticed the... 
Jolida and Seas Odin / Tyler Linbrook Sig Monitors
I have Green Mountain Audio Europa with Jolida 202 amp. I just replaced cardas speaker wire with DH Lab Q-10 for a substantial improvement in detail.The Europa's sound stage like crazy, pretty much disappearing from the experience. My wife really ... 
How to implement pc as a Transport. Which route.
Head over to for good information on the Squeezebox. Quite a few posts by people who state the sound is superior to transport/dac and expensive t/d at that.I bought a SB3 and had vinnie do the analog mods.Sound is unbelievable! I f...