
Responses from srtweaker

Highest BUILD quality tube amps?
Quicksilver Audio is built among the best out there IMHO. I have a slew of Mike Sander's gear and never a problem, Many of my Audiophile friends have his gear too. All problem free. Also, Call them and you will be speaking with the man himself. As... 
Which phono preamplifier do you recommend?
Almost forgot the model I was talking about, the Sutherland Ph3d. 
Which phono preamplifier do you recommend?
For my money, the Sutherland at a kilobuck is hard to beat. The quietest background I have heard on a phono stage at or near this price. Very revealing and large soundstage with tube like sound, except it has more bottom end punch than tube phono ... 
Stylus Warm-up Time
I've found that the cartridge definitely starts to bloom, letting the soundstage expand in all directions, after 1 to 2 sides. It is definitely noticeable. 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
Quicksilver mini-mites with 6L6GC tubes and nos 12ax7s kicked my rear end out for a walk! If you don't need to blow your brains out these are hard to beat for anything under $2K! 
EL-34s New issue Mullards vs. Teslas
Dave and Bojack Thank-you for your input. Maybe I will take the leap on the Mullard re-issues as I already have the 12AX7's and they sound really nice.Cheers,Jim 
EL-34s New issue Mullards vs. Teslas
Thanks Dave,So you think I would like the winged C's better than the Mullard re-issues?Regards,Jim 
EL-34s New issue Mullards vs. Teslas
Thanks for the input guys. Funny, I just went from Gold Lion KT-88s Re-issue to the El-34s in my Mini Mites. I agree that the 88s are more exciting to listen to, but they do not have the euphonic midrange that I seem favor over the harmonic shadin...